
Crushabuse is a daemon which alerts you when you get a new zkcrush to make.

Parle francais? Lis ca.

It has two parts

Web app

We finally have a web app, although web notifications are not implemented yet

Desktop app

go get a copy here! Note: Compiling for MacOS is annoying, so it is not there.


# sox is optional, unless you want funny dating app sound (it i grinder btwwww)
# you can exclude libnotify and terminal-notifier if you have node installed
sudo dnf install libnotify sox # debain/ubuntu 
sudo apk add libnotify sox # alpine based, ish, termux, etc
sudo dnf install libnotify sox # fedora and other red hat distros
brew install terminal-notifier sox # macos
# check if yours isn't listed here


wget -O /bin/crushabuse
chmod +x /bin/crushabuse


Open crushabuse, make sure to set NAME to your name and you can enable SOUND, but see the code for more details.

This is meant to run as a daemon (background process), but it does not check automatically, only on invocation.

This is a little hack to make it run every 5 minutes in the background (requires node).

nohup node -e "function main(){ require('node:child_process').execSync('crushabuse')};main();setInterval(main, 1000* 60 * 5)" > /dev/null 2>&1 &

You can also use crontab, but we're unsure if notifications will work well.